In addition to the (Resume.Portfolio.References: R.P.R) ask for References from prior brides or professional clientele if you are curious. Any true Professional, has been asked before or if they do have an interest in working with you they shouldn’t mind! I personally invite new brides to join my facebook.com account to interact with prior clients (although that is a project in itself to track down all your brides). I’ve found that facebook is a less invasive, more comfortable way for new brides to interact with prior clients (because they don’t have to physically call any one or wait for emails and it is not a huge inconvience to prior clients).
Other things to avoid when involving R.P.R:
- Make-up Artists WITHOUT websites: Many make-up artists do not have their own official websites. If you are looking for a real professional m.u.a they should have their own website. “Make-up Artists” without websites should send up a red flag. I feel that many without their own official .COM aren’t as experienced, are only hobby artists, and do not work enough in the field to display their work. Having only a myspace or a facebook to display pictures they took at home does not qualify as a professional website. If they are really professional and work often they should create a website themselves or be able to hier a website professional to create one for them.If you are choosing some one to work on one of the most important days of your life… they shouldn’t be sending you to the same place that people spam, build friends, and get dates!
- Make-up Artists that work at Make-up Counters in Malls: Having prior experience with working at a Make-up Counter or in a Mall doing make-up is ok… we all had to start some where! However, I would advise against getting your wedding make-up artist at the mall. Make-up Counter Artists do not = Industry Professionals. Many make-up counters do not send Make-up Artists for any training at all. Many counters also do not use brushes to apply make-up, some use only q-tips. In addition, you never truly know how long your Make-Up Artist has been working there.
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